Sunday, April 26, 2009

Magic Colours

Yeah, you know the one. This is another thing that I am a casual fan of! Now, this can be sort a dilemma. There pretty much aren't any other casual fans of Magic. Everyone buys their cards separately, goes to tourneys, spends a gazillion dollars on it, blah blah blah. I just find it fun and entertaining so I play it with my brother sometimes. I just buy the theme decks sometimes and a few boosters. Anyway, I'll let you know what I like about it!

How Awesome the Colours are from 1-5 (Arthur POV)
1. Red
2. Black
3. Green
4. White
5. Blue

Red- This is an excellent colour for me. I don't think any of the other colours are as casual. Red is all about the random damage spells and silly small creatures like goblins. So much fun to play as. I've got a goblin deck with Scourge cards (ye olden times sort of) and it's still one of my favourite decks.

Black- More strategy to this one but it still has a bunch of cards that kill things in one hit. Some pretty bad ass stuff in there too. I'm glad they moved away from the zombies, though. That wasn't quite as neat. My favourite black deck is a Red/Black type one like my Lorwynn goblin one or Shadowmoor Wither deck. I've actually altered the wither one a bit myself!

Green- I pretty much never play this colour mostly because it is my brother's favourite. He's started playing red, though, the bugger! The spirit of it definitely sounds pretty sweet, anyway. Get big creatures and win through sheer force! Woo!

White- Another colour that I never play but it would be pretty neat to be in control or whatever. Boring creatures, though. White is a bit too high and mighty for me.

Blue- Too much cold calculating stuff without actually doing anything. It's pretty neat but not for me.

And there you have it! Now all the serious magic players hate me! Ta-da!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gurren Lagann Eps 1-5

It's been a while but I finally managed to watch some of my anime. And now I am done exams so everyone gets to hear about it!

Now here is where I would link you to the opening video so you could be amazed and all that. Sadly, Youtube is failing me here. There are a bunch of full song videos but none of the actual opening that I can find. Alas, bear with me in this post lacking in both video and pictures.

The first 3 episodes were definitely my favourite so far. This seems sort of strange since they were the intro episodes. Each of those episodes introduced an important new concept to do with the gunmen (mechas). The next two episodes weren't quite as good. Still a very good series in my opinion especially if the episodes get more interesting again!

So Kamina is definitely the favourite for my brother and I. Simon can be a bit annoying. Yoko is sexy, sure, but Kamina is just so damn manly. Over-the-top manliness in something nerdy like an anime or whatever is just so friggin' hilarious to me. I mean, c'mon, this guy tried to take on a giant robot with a katana in the first episode. Pretty rad stuff.

Hopefully I can watch the rest of the episodes that I have tonight or tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow. Then I will need to find some more pronto. HMV seems to be my best bet since my local comic store has been failing me on the giant mecha front!

And here is Kaminaloupe for your viewing pleasure. I think I'll have to make this a habit. Doodling a cantaloupe fanart thing. Yup. Sorry. I know I promised no pictures but here you go!

PS Capes are hard to draw.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gurren Lagann and Naruto

Welcome fellow internetters,

As I mentioned before, my newest swag is in the form of Gurren Lagann DVDs and some Naruto volumes.

I haven't had a chance to watch the Gurren Lagann DVDs yet since I'm (cough) studying for my stats final. For those of you who don't know, Gurren Lagann is an over-the-top mecha anime. The box reads: "Get ready for buxom babes, beastmen and giant mechas as only GAINAX can provide them!" I quote the back of the box simply because I am pretty sure I can't sell you on it any better than that!

I saw part of it online but being a great person I have now purchased it. Being an econ student kind of clues you into these things. You need to actually help the economy out a bit, people! Plus, only true fans buy the DVDs! The price tag for a long running series like Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach is really freaking scary but your standard 24ish episode anime isn't all that bad if you buy box sets and such.

In case you didn't notice, the boxset features a flaming skull with spiky sunglasses. If that and the box quote don't encourage you to watch it then this probably isn't for you! I've seen FLCL, another one of GAINAX's, which is one of my favourites so I can't wait to get watching this one!

No buxom babes on the DVD covers yet but DVD 2 has that sexy Kamina fellow on it so there you go!

Finally, I finished Naruto volumes 31-33. So many cliffhangers. I'll get more later.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hello again,

Lots of folks have websites these days. I frequent a fair few. I shall tell you tales of them. Or at least their URLs.

Webcomics! These are important. Far better than your standard newspaper comic (besides Calvin and Hobbes, obviously).

Dinosaur Comics: A silly comic with dinosaurs! They are in the same positions every comic! They speak! There is a T-Rex! Read it!

Dr. McNinja: He's a ninja. And a doctor. It's funny.

Order of the Stick: An epic tale about a group of adventurers in a D&D world. Plays with all sorts of tropes and is very funny! A must-read for extreme geeks.

Goblins: It (pretty much) never updates but I sort of like it.

MS Paint Adentures: an adventure game/comic powered by user suggestions! Problem Sleuth is clever to the extreme and there is a new one now!

Questionable Content: So technically it is about indie music (which I know nothing about) but it is funny. Some adult humour, though! Watch out, young'uns.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: A very random comic that is sometimes a one panel type. Somewhat offensive sometimes but very hilarious!

xkcd: "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language." Go read it.

And that's it for that! Those are the niftiest of the bunch that I have discovered.

I don't just read comics, though. Whatever gave you that idea? I do sometimes do other geeky things on the internet. Never fear.

Loading Ready Run: A great comedy video website whose members live in the same city as me! Bonus points if you can figure out what city! Funny stuff. Especially the Man Cooking ones. Look 'em up! I know you can do it!

TV Tropes: An excellent website that you can spend hours on extremely easily. It details trope usage in different entertainment stuffs! You can go find out what tropes are right now if you want.

Twenty Sided: A blog on a similar topic to mine. It doesn't have a cute cantaloupe on it, though. I dare you to check. It also has a silly LoTR webcomic!

Neopets: You know how I've alluded to geekiness? Well, here's some bonus proof for you! I hadn't played in ages but my girlfriend convinced me to go back. Now I'm addicted again! Hooray! I'm wandering_grapefruit on there if you wanna be the bestest neofriends ever :P

I think that is enough websites for anyone reading this! Is anyone there? That'd be pretty neat. This blog does feature a cantaloupe on it!

Blog ya later, dudes and dudettes.

The Beginning

My first blog post of all time!

I'm not quite sure what took me so long. Having your own webpage is pretty standard by now. Well, anyway, here I am. The name's Arthur.

The most important article on the agenda is the explanation on the blog name. There are plenty of blogs on the same general subject as mine so I thought it necessary to make my sound original in a silly way. I like cantaloupes a lot so that part was an obvious choice! I thought I'd be avant-garde and use some alliteration. I'm taking economics at university so Capitalist worked! And so Capitalist Canteloupe was born! Feel free to tell me what a wonderful name it is!

I am an excellent artist and so I made sure that my blog has it's own mascot! A cantaloupe holding money! Clever, says you! I'll make him into a sexy banner later.

Now I am thinking that I should tell you a bit about myself.

I am a university student majoring in economics. Just finishing up the exams for my second year right now actually. I like to make sure I am entertained in my spare time. Anime, video games, books, and the internet help me superbly in this regard.

Video Games: I've got a Wii, PS3 and a DS. Currently, I've been playing LittleBigPlanet with my bro. Lots of fun!

Anime: Just bought Gurren Lagann Set 01. I'll watch it soon and I'll blog about it later!

Manga: Just bought Naruto volumes 31-33. Midway through those. Great stuff.

Books: I've got a ton of Neil Gaimon to read but I haven't had time in ages. Maybe during the summer.

Internet: I'll blog about my favourite sites later. Webcomics, other blogs, and other stuff abound!

Ok, that's it.

This is pretty neat. I shall continue posthaste.